Please take notice that a Regular Meeting of the Synod of The International Atlantic Province – the Second Province of The Episcopal Church – will be held by Zoom on Thursday, September 9, 2021, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
All Bishops, Deputies, and Alternate Deputies should register on the Province's website: by, at latest, ten days before the opening of Synod (or August 30, 2021). Registration will allow the Province to send attendees Zoom sign-on information and, where applicable, voting credentials. The Synod Planning Committee requests that all deputies and bishops register as soon as possible so that the technical details of voting online, language channels, and communication of links and procedures can be finalized in a timely manner. If requested, language channels can be provided for Spanish and French, as well as a provision for ASL. Please indicate which, if any, channel you would like to use. If there is a need for another language please indicate that on the form and we will do our best to provide translation in that language. English will be the default language if no box is checked on the form. Among other business to be conducted at Synod will be the adoption of the attached proposed amendments to the Ordinances to clarify some of the voting issues as to which questions have arisen. August 2, 2021 Paul Ambos, Secretary Comments are closed.
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